This is a tool for 'Zoom Out' of the frame of the particular situation to the more general context frame of the particular situation. It works for each tool of OTSM-TRIZ the same as all other axioms.
A fragment of Nikolai Khomenko's letter to Hongyul Yoon, 23 Jan, 2010
Please refer to Nikolai's publication to learn more about his views on the subject.
About "Axioms of the World Vision"
In my opinion, (1) 'Axiom of Unity' says that there are general objective laws which rule everything & every change of the universe. So, our "models as a problem description" must follow the general objective laws. Am I right? (Hongyul Yoon)
Yes, you are right. For the problem description, OTSM's 'Axiom of Unity' works that way.
This axiom provides some more details about the main axiom of OTSM, 'Axiom of Description'.
We have to describe the general context of the big picture: General Objective Laws, Feature Factors, etc. relevant to the given problem situation. This is a tool for 'Zoom Out' of the frame of the particular situation to the more general context frame of the particular situation. It works for each tool of OTSM-TRIZ the same as all other axioms. They also can work as a stand-alone tool when we are in the situation that we do not understand which tool is better or we just do not have any appropriate tool. It is also included into OTSM Advanced Schema of Powerful Thinking. This schema is a model that helps integrate everything into a unified system. All of axioms are tools for managing this complex fractal process of thinking according to OTSM Schema of powerful Thinking. This axiom is a general tool-reminder for us that we have to consider general features and Laws that underlining our particular situation. Similar to the First postulate of Classical TRIZ (Laws of system evolution) but make it go into more details.
This axiom also links to the OTSM Axiom of the roots of problems.
------- (2) Axiom of Disunity says that every thing in the universe shows different response to the general objective laws. So, our "models as a problem description" must follow objective phenomena or features of the particular situation. Am I right? (Hongyul Yoon)
Yes, you are right. See all above that I wrote for Axiom of Unity.
But I need some clarification here.
We artificially split the system of all (known and unknown) objective laws that drive many things and changes in the universe. But the border is fuzzy and unclear. As usually when human beings try to analyze something they split the entire world (the external and internal universe) into certain components according to their needs. I would like to stress it out it is not only features but the same as for Axiom of Unity, this is Objective Laws and Factors and Features and many other things like value of some specific parameters: parameters, features, attributes which are not included in OTSM schema of Powerful Thinking that is one of components of OTSM ENV model. This is the particular attributes that it is important to include into ENV model for the given problematic situation. This axiom is a general tool-reminder for us that we have to consider the peculiarity of the situation. This axiom is similar to the third postulate of Classical TRIZ (particular situation), but explains it in more detail. This axiom also links to the OTSM Axiom of the roots of problems.
Very important notice:
I would like to stress it that we put here accents on the objective laws that drive transformation in certain particular domain of knowledge: various kind advertising, various kinds of technology, various kinds of research, various kinds of art etc. Natural laws we consider in the frame of OTSM Axioms on the world-vision as cause-effect links among two or more parameters (attributes, features) that are important, stable, respited for the certain condition. This link shows us how all other attributes will change their values if a change of the value of, at least, one of them happens.
(3) Axiom of Connectedness says that the general objective laws and different features of each particular situation are "connected" through "resources in each particular situation". So, our "models as a problem description" must identify the features of the resources in the particular situation. Am I right? (Hongyul Yoon)
This axiom force us to pay more attention to particular resourses and try to discover what else general and particular laws related to the resourses and
should be taking into account when we do analysis of a problem and synthesis of partial solutions for the satisfactory solution.
This axiom is also the underlining process of evaluation of the obtained solutions and attempts to foresee the additional positive and negative effects,
results, events, etc. This axiom integrates the other two OTSM axioms of the world vision based on OTSM.